Friday, January 06, 2006

Back to work!

So the holidays are over. How grand. As much as I love them, I couldn't wait until they were over---that is, until I got back to work. I am a creature of habit, and really felt the need to get back to some semblance of routine. When I was at home, I'd really look forward to brewing my morning coffee and then sit down to write. The truth is, after those first few delcious sips of scalding hot coffee, drinking the rest of the cup and any cups that are poured after that, is akin to chasing a ghost. So after I've savored the flavor of the first cup of coffee I sat and looked at the blank page for a long, long time. But while I am at work, its a different story. Sometimes I much prefer to think about writing than to actually do any writing. And that's where work comes in. Because while I am working my day job, I can knash my teeth and think, quite dramatically "I'd rather be writing!" The truth is, I'm much more productive when I have other things to occupy me, then when I do come to the writing, I am really hungry for it.

The library has been so quiet . It will remain that way until the students come back on the 17th of this month. While I enjoy the quiet, it makes the day long and tedious no matter how much work I have to do. Of course, once the semester starts , things will be so busy, the day so full of all sorts of details, I'll go home every night way too tired to do anything of import. Such is life. Writing time becomes all important on the weekends. I try to maximize my time.

Alas, today is Friday, but I don't have any time to savor it. I will work my parttime job in a public library tommorow. But,to be sure, no matter how tired I will be when I come home, I'll start brewing the coffee while preparing to write. If I've got to chase ghosts, so be it.

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