Monday, January 30, 2006

Uncommon Women and Others. . .

It's hard to believe, especially since I didn't know that she was sick , that Wendy Wasserstein died today. She was the author of one of my all time favorite plays, Uncommon Women and others. I actually received a phone call from Wendy many years ago in response to a letter I had written her. I remember the day well: a hot, sultry, never-ending summer day. I was giving my three small children lunch when the phone rang. It was Wendy, thanking me for such a nice letter. My children , as opportunistic as they can get, took advantage of the stars in my eyes, to pour a carton of orange juice on the floor and quack around like ducks. Wendy could hear the commotion in the background and just chuckled. The call lasted, at the most, 20 seconds, but I never forgot it.
She was a funny woman, but given to great and profound insights.
Rest in Peace, Wendy.

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